How To Apply
Option 1: Call one of our offices for more information about the Head Start program and to determine the documents needed to apply. You may schedule an in-person appointment to complete a Head Start application with a Family Service Specialist. (If staff is unavailable all interested applicants will be added to our tracker and calls will be returned in the order they are received).
Option 2: Start the application process through Stanislaus County Office of Education. Go to to fill out an interest form for Head Start. (This is not a completed application as a Family Service Specialist will contact you to finish the application process). Call (209)238-6400 if you are interested in learning about State Preschool and other available child care programs within the county.
The following documents are needed to apply:
Birth Certificate/Proof of Birth
Immunization Record
Proof of Income
Additional documents may be needed, such as:
Custody/Court Documents
CalFresh/Cash Aid(TANF)/SSI
Certified IFSP/IEP
Proof of Address
Head Start is a Federally Funded program free of charge to those who qualify based on income guidelines, circumstance, and spot availability. Children with disabilities, foster, homeless, TANF, Cal-Fresh, and SSI recipients are encouraged to apply.