Visitors & Volunteers

Empire Union School District (EUSD)  programs encourage parents, guardians, and community members to share their knowledge and unique talents with the students and staff.  We believe this will strengthen and diversify our program and be of benefit to program participants.  We appreciate your willingness to contribute to our students and school district.

The following requirements and procedures are for individuals wishing to assist in programs.


Limited student contact (e.g. presentation, special event assistance).  Please note, visitors must have an EUSD employee present while in contact with students.

·         Sign in at school office to obtain a visitors pass.  If after school hours, sign in at program office;
·         Check in with Site Coordinator or Program Coordinator


In EUSD there are three levels of volunteers.

Level I Volunteers

Level I volunteers are defined as volunteers who are supervised by a EUSD employee and have:

1.      Permission to observe only; or

2.      Direct student contact for one (1) hour or less per month; or

3.      Intermittent (no more than 4 times per year) student contact for classroom presentations, fund raising, and supporting special events.


Procedures for Level I volunteers are as follows:

1. Sign in at the school office; tuberculosis testing or a background check is not required.


Level II Volunteers

Level II volunteers are defined as volunteers who are supervised by a EUSD employee and have:

1.     Ongoing small group contact with students; or

2.     Weekly student contact by assisting in classrooms or chaperoning a study trip; or


Procedures for Level II volunteers are as follows:

1.     Complete a volunteer application;

2.     Provide a photo ID to be copied;

3.     Obtain Tuberculosis (TB) clearance through screening;

4.     Have the site administration conduct a background check through the Megan’s Law website; and

5.     Sign in at the school office.


Level III Volunteers (allow 10-14 days for processing)

Level III volunteers are defined as volunteers who have:

1.     Unsupervised direct contact with students


Procedures for Level III volunteers are as follows:

1.     Complete a volunteer application;

2.     Provide a photo ID to be copied;

3.     Obtain Tuberculosis (TB) clearance through screening;

4.     Obtain a Fingerprint Request Form from the school site;

5.     Complete paperwork and pay fees for Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background check;

6.     Complete online Mandated Reporter training as directed by the Human Resources Department; and

7.     Check in per site procedures.


EUSD site administrators are ultimately responsible for determining and completing the appropriate level of screening for school volunteers at the school sites. 


1.     EUSD employees who are volunteering do not need to go through the volunteer application process. The site only needs to verify their employment with the Human Resources Department.

2.     EUSD students who are volunteering (i.e. ROP) do not need to go through the volunteer application process.

3.      University students need to follow the separate procedure which has been established for them.