
Intra-District Transfer Open Enrollment (Inside District Transfers)

 The Governing Board desires to provide enrollment options that meet the diverse needs and interests of District students.  The Superintendent or designee shall establish procedures for the selection and transfer of students among District schools in accordance with law, Board Policy, and Administrative Regulation.  The parents/guardians of students who reside within District boundaries may apply for enrollment in any District school, regardless of the location of residence within the District. (E.C. 35160.5) The Superintendent or designee shall determine the capacity of each school and establish a random, unbiased selection process for the admission of students from outside a school’s attendance area.  In accordance with law, no student currently residing within a school’s attendance area shall be displaced by another student transferring from outside the attendance area.

  • A completed Intra-district Form must be submitted for each child living in the Empire Union School District who would like to attend another school within the district.  Access to the forms are available in links below.  Open enrollment begins the first Monday in February and forms must be summited by April 15th. All school sites have a computer in the front office that have links to the forms below.

  • In cases where there are more requests to attend a school than there are openings, the selection process is “random and unbiased” through a lottery process.  The Superintendent or designee shall determine the capacity of each District school

  • Transportation is not provided for a student who transfers to another school in the district under these provisions.

  • If a transfer request is denied, a parent/guardian does not have an automatic right to appeal the decision. 

  • Approval will be contingent on space availability.

Forms for the coming 2025-2026 School Year (these are for INSIDE district only)

Intradistrict Form English 2025-2026

Intradistrict Form Spanish 2025-2026 (en español)

Forms for the current 2024-2025 School Year

Intradistrict Form English 2024-2025

Intradistrict Form Spanish 2024-2025 (en español)

Inter-District Transfer (Outside District Transfer)

 Although students generally must attend school in the District where their residence has been established, the Board of Education recognizes justifiable reasons for inter-district transfers, and may, through District staff, approve inter-district attendance transfers which are in the best interest of the student and are consistent with District needs, subject to the requirements of the regulation accompanying this policy.  The parent or legal guardian of a pupil may seek release from the home district to attend a school in any other school district.  The agreement must specify the terms and conditions for granting or denying transfers, and may contain standards of reapplication and specify the terms and conditions under which a permit may be revoked.  Unless otherwise specified in the agreement, a pupil will not have to reapply for an interdistrict transfer, and the school board of the district of enrollment must allow the pupil to continue to attend the school in which he/she is enrolled.

A pupil who has been determined by personnel of either the home or receiving district to have been the victim of an act of bullying, as defined in EC 48900(r), shall, at the request of the parent or legal guardian, be given priority for interdistrict attendance under any existing agreement or, in the absence of an agreement, be given additional consideration for the creation of an interdistrict attendance agreement. 

The Board recognizes that the District may be capable of serving additional students.  Therefore, the Superintendent or designee may approve inter-district attendance agreements with other districts. [E.C. 46600 et. seq., BP5117]

  • A completed Intradistrict Form must be submitted for each child living in the Empire Union School District who would like to attend another school within the district.  Forms are available in the links below.  Open enrollment begins the first Monday in February and completed forms must be returned by April 15th to the school of residence. If you are living outside EUSD boundaries and are requesting to attend an EUSD school, you must start with your district of residence.

  • In cases where there are more requests to attend a school than there are openings, the selection process is “random and unbiased” through a lottery process.  The Superintendent or designee shall determine the capacity of each District school

  • Transportation is not provided for a student who transfers to another school in the district under these provisions.

  • If a transfer request is denied, a parent/guardian does not have an automatic right to appeal the decision. 

  • Approval will be contingent on space availability.

Forms for the coming 2025-2026 School Year (these are for OUTSIDE district only)

Interdistrict Form English 2025-2026

Interdistrict Form Spanish 2025-2026 (en español)

Forms for the current 2024-2025 School Year

Interdistrict Form English 2024-2025

Interdistrict Form Spanish 2024-2025 (en español)

Computers are available at all sites and district office to allow for submission of transfer requests.

 AB 1114

Implemented in 1994, Assembly Bill 1114 (AB 1114) provided an additional opportunity for parents to transfer children within the school district.  This legislation requires every public school district in California to establish a policy of open enrollment within the district, subject to limitations.

These limitations include a) transfers into each school cannot exceed the number of vacancies; and b) students who reside in the attendance area of the school (or who attend on intradistrict or interdistrict permits) cannot be displaced by other students transferring into the school.  No reason must be given and selection must be random if requests exceed the available vacancies.  

AB 1114 transfers are permanent and do not permit a return to the neighborhood school except on a space-available basis through the intradistrict process.  In accordance with Board Policy #5116.1 parents are responsible for transportation.

The open enrollment period for AB 1114 transfers is February 15th through April 15th. Forms are available upon request.