
Contact Information

Transportation Office
116 N. McClure Road
Modesto, CA 95357


Joel Sanders

Director of Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation

Tawnya Casey
Transportation Supervisor, Operations, and Transportation

Bus Information

Information for Parents

Bus Rider Form -- complete and return to the school office

Established Bus Transportation Zones
The general policy of the District is to make a transportation program available for students who live within an established bus transportation zone and for those meeting the eligibility criteria for ridership.  

Any students who meet the eligibility criteria for ridership and would like to utilize transportation services must:

  1. Arrive at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled leave time.

  2. Wait for the bus in a safe place.

  3. Wait until the bus is completely stopped, enter the bus in an orderly manner, and take a seat immediately.

  4. Be courteous to the school bus driver and fellow passengers.

  5. Each student shall board or exit the school bus only at the student’s “authorized” bus stop. “Authorized” bus stop is defined as the bus stop closest to the student’s residence.

Bus Rules of Conduct

  1. Fighting (physical contact), fighting (verbal altercation), threatening behavior, and/or harassment, of any kind, is prohibited.

  2. Weapons, smoking, laser pens, drugs, or alcohol are forbidden on or near a school bus.

  3. Cross the street in front of the bus and only under the supervision of your bus driver.

  4. Follow the instructions of your bus driver at all times.

  5. Students are to remain seated and facing the front of the bus while the bus is in motion.

  6. Keep your arms and head inside the bus at all times.

  7. Profanity, indecent language, and/or obscene gestures are prohibited.

  8. Any property defaced or destroyed on the school bus will be paid for by the student and/or the parent/guardian.

  9. Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are prohibited.

  10. Spitting or throwing objects on the bus or out the windows is prohibited.

  11. Loud or boisterous noises, singing, or whistling will not be permitted.

  12. Glass objects, inflated balloons, cleats, radios, tape recorders, roller blades scooters, or skateboards will not be permitted, unless in an enclosed bag.

  13. Cell phones and text messaging devices shall not be used unless it is an emergency (headphone equipment OK).

  14. Animals or insects (dead or alive) are not allowed on the bus. (Reference AR 8301)